600 Miles Ending Explained
| 2015Directed by: Gabriel Ripstein
Main Plot
"600 Miles," directed by Gabriel Ripstein, follows the journey of a young Mexican arms smuggler, Arnulfo Rubio, who is involved in trafficking weapons across the U.S.-Mexico border. During one of his operations, he inadvertently captures an American ATF agent, Hank Harris. As Rubio attempts to transport Harris to his superiors, an unexpected bond forms between the two men. The film delves into the complexities of their relationship and the harsh realities of the illegal arms trade. Through their tense and perilous journey, both characters are forced to confront their own moral compasses and the broader implications of their actions.
- Tim Roth plays Hank Harris, an American ATF agent who gets kidnapped by a young Mexican arms smuggler, leading to an unexpected bond and a tense journey across the border.
- Kristyan Ferrer plays Arnulfo Rubio, a young Mexican involved in gun smuggling. His kidnapping of an ATF agent drives the film's tension and emotional core.
- Mónica Del Carmen plays a supporting role as the protagonist's mother, adding emotional depth and familial tension to the narrative.
Ending Explained
In the movie '600 Miles,' directed by Gabriel Ripstein, the ending brings a tense and poignant conclusion to the story of Arnulfo Rubio, a young Mexican involved in gun trafficking, and Hank Harris, an ATF agent who gets kidnapped by Arnulfo. As the narrative unfolds, Harris initially tries to escape but eventually forms a complex bond with Arnulfo. The climax occurs when they reach Arnulfo's boss, who decides to kill Harris to eliminate any risk. However, in a surprising turn, Arnulfo decides to save Harris, leading to a violent confrontation where Arnulfo kills his boss. The film concludes with Harris being left alone in the desert, injured but alive, while Arnulfo flees. This ending underscores the futility and peril of the illegal arms trade, highlighting the personal costs and moral ambiguities faced by those involved. It leaves viewers contemplating the blurred lines between law enforcement and criminality, and the human connections that can form even in the direst circumstances. The open-ended nature of the conclusion emphasizes the ongoing and unresolved nature of the issues depicted.