Main Plot
"A Celebration of the Music from Coco" is a vibrant musical performance that brings to life the enchanting melodies and rich cultural heritage showcased in the animated film "Coco." Directed by Ron de Moraes, this live-to-film concert experience was held at the iconic Hollywood Bowl. The event features a full orchestra, accompanied by a roster of talented artists who perform the memorable songs from the movie. The concert is designed to immerse the audience in the traditions of Día de los Muertos, the Mexican Day of the Dead, which plays a central role in the film's storyline. The performance not only highlights the film’s original music composed by Michael Giacchino but also includes the popular songs written by Germaine Franco and the Oscar-winning "Remember Me" by Kristen Anderson-Lopez and Robert Lopez. Through a blend of music, live performances, and visual storytelling, the concert creates a festive atmosphere that celebrates the themes of family, memory, and heritage. The event serves as a heartfelt tribute to the film and its cultural impact, allowing fans to experience the magic of "Coco" in a new and immersive way.