A Gentle Breeze in the Village

| 2007

Directed by: Nobuhiro Yamashita

Main Plot

"A Gentle Breeze in the Village," directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita, is a heartwarming coming-of-age film set in a small, rural Japanese village. The story follows the everyday lives of a group of schoolchildren attending a tiny local school with only six students. The arrival of a new student from Tokyo, Hiromi, brings a fresh dynamic to the group, particularly affecting Soyo, the eldest student. As they navigate the challenges and joys of adolescence, the film beautifully captures the innocence and simplicity of rural life. Through their interactions, friendships, and small adventures, the children learn valuable life lessons, fostering a sense of community and personal growth. The film is a gentle exploration of youth, change, and the enduring bonds formed in a close-knit environment.


  • Kaho is a high school student who befriends a new transfer student, Satoshi, and helps him adjust to rural life, fostering a deep, transformative friendship.
  • Masaki Okada plays Hiromi Osawa, a new student who brings excitement and change to a small village school, impacting the life of the protagonist, Soyo.
  • Elisa Yanagi plays Soyo Migita, a kind-hearted, introspective high school girl whose life changes when a new student arrives, sparking personal growth and deeper connections within her small village.

Ending Explained

In the movie "A Gentle Breeze in the Village," directed by Nobuhiro Yamashita, the conclusion centers around the evolving relationship between the main characters, Soyo Migita and Hiromi Osawa. As the school year progresses, Hiromi, who is a transfer student from Tokyo, becomes more integrated into the small village community and forms a close bond with Soyo. The film culminates in a poignant scene where Hiromi reveals that he will be returning to Tokyo for high school, leaving Soyo and the village behind. The ending captures the bittersweet emotions of parting and the inevitable changes that come with growing up. Soyo, who has developed feelings for Hiromi, is visibly saddened but comes to accept the reality of his departure. The final scenes depict the village returning to its tranquil routine, with Soyo and her friends continuing their lives, now marked by the memory of Hiromi's presence. The conclusion underscores themes of friendship, change, and the passage of time, reflecting the gentle and contemplative tone of the film.

Nobuhiro Yamashita Drama Kaho Masaki Okada Elisa Yanagi