A Goofy Movie
| 1995Directed by: Kevin Lima
Main Plot
"A Goofy Movie," directed by Kevin Lima, follows the story of Goofy and his teenage son, Max. Concerned about their strained relationship and Max's recent behavior at school, Goofy decides to take Max on a cross-country fishing trip, hoping to bond and reconnect. Max, however, has other plans and is reluctant to go, as he wants to impress his crush by attending a concert. Throughout their journey, the duo encounters various comedic and challenging situations that test their patience and understanding of each other. As they navigate these adventures, both father and son learn valuable lessons about trust, communication, and the importance of family. The film blends humor and heartfelt moments, ultimately showcasing the enduring bond between a parent and child.
- Bill Farmer voices Goofy, the well-meaning father who embarks on a cross-country road trip with his son Max to strengthen their strained relationship.
- Max Goof, voiced by Jason Marsden, is Goofy's teenage son. His desire to impress his crush Roxanne drives the film's central adventure and father-son bonding journey.
- Jim Cummings voices Pete, Goofy's grumpy neighbor and co-worker, who often gives Goofy questionable parenting advice, influencing his relationship with his son, Max.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "A Goofy Movie," directed by Kevin Lima, the story reaches its emotional and thematic climax. After a series of misadventures on their road trip, Goofy and his teenage son Max finally reconcile their differences. The pivotal moment occurs during a chaotic concert featuring the pop star Powerline, where Max uses his knowledge of the concert's choreography to help Goofy blend in and perform on stage. This public display of unity and fun helps bridge the gap between them. Following the concert, Max returns home with a newfound appreciation for his father. He also gains the confidence to approach his crush, Roxanne, and explain the truth about his earlier lies. Roxanne responds positively, revealing that she likes Max for who he is, not for his fabricated stories. The film concludes with Max and Goofy solidifying their bond, having learned to understand and respect each other’s perspectives. This resolution underscores the movie's themes of family, communication, and the importance of being true to oneself.