A Wrinkle in Time Ending Explained

| 2018

Directed by: Ava DuVernay

Movie poster for A Wrinkle in Time (2018)

Main Plot

"A Wrinkle in Time," directed by Ava DuVernay, follows the journey of Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe as they embark on a cosmic adventure to find Meg's missing father. Guided by three mysterious celestial beings—Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who—the children travel through space and time via a tesseract, a wrinkle in the fabric of the universe. Their quest leads them to the dark planet of Camazotz, where they confront an evil force known as IT that threatens to engulf the universe in darkness. Along the way, Meg learns to embrace her flaws and strengths, discovering the power of love and self-acceptance. The film blends elements of science fiction and fantasy, emphasizing themes of courage, individuality, and the enduring bond of family.


  • Storm Reid plays Meg Murry, a determined girl who embarks on a cosmic journey to rescue her missing father from a malevolent force.
  • Oprah Winfrey plays Mrs. Which, a celestial being who guides the protagonists on their journey to rescue Meg's father and combat the dark force threatening the universe.
  • Reese Witherspoon plays Mrs. Whatsit, a celestial being who guides the children on their quest to find Meg's missing father and battle the dark force.

Ending Explained

In the conclusion of Ava DuVernay's "A Wrinkle in Time," Meg Murry, her brother Charles Wallace, and their friend Calvin O'Keefe confront the malevolent force known as IT on the dark planet of Camazotz. IT has taken control of Charles Wallace, and Meg must use her inner strength and love to save him. Despite the overwhelming power of IT, Meg's unwavering love for her brother breaks IT's hold, freeing Charles Wallace from its influence. The trio, along with their father, Dr. Alex Murry, who had been trapped on Camazotz, are then transported back to Earth by the three celestial beings, Mrs. Which, Mrs. Whatsit, and Mrs. Who. The family is joyfully reunited with Meg's mother, Dr. Kate Murry. The film concludes with Meg having grown in confidence and self-acceptance, understanding that her faults are also her strengths. The overarching message emphasizes the power of love and individuality in overcoming darkness and adversity.

Ava DuVernay Adventure Drama Family Storm Reid Oprah Winfrey Reese Witherspoon