| 1979Directed by: Ridley Scott
Main Plot
In Ridley Scott's "Alien," the crew of the commercial spaceship Nostromo is awakened from stasis to investigate a distress signal from a distant moon. Upon landing, they discover a derelict alien ship and a chamber filled with mysterious eggs. One of the crew members is attacked by a creature that emerges from an egg, leading to a series of horrifying events as the alien life form grows and becomes a deadly threat. The crew must navigate the claustrophobic confines of their ship, battling the relentless and lethal alien while trying to survive and find a way to eliminate the creature. The film combines elements of science fiction and horror, creating a tense and atmospheric narrative.
- Sigourney Weaver plays Ellen Ripley, a warrant officer who becomes the sole survivor and battles a deadly extraterrestrial creature aboard a spaceship.
- Tom Skerritt plays Dallas, the captain of the spaceship. He leads the crew's investigation of a distress signal, ultimately confronting the alien threat.
- John Hurt played Kane, the executive officer who becomes the first victim of the alien creature after a facehugger attaches to him and later bursts from his chest.
Ending Explained
In the concluding scenes of Ridley Scott's "Alien," the protagonist, Ellen Ripley, is the sole survivor of the Nostromo spaceship after the alien creature has killed the rest of the crew. Ripley initiates the ship's self-destruct sequence and attempts to escape in a shuttle. However, she discovers that the alien has also boarded the shuttle. In a tense final confrontation, Ripley dons a spacesuit and uses the shuttle's equipment to force the alien into an airlock. She then opens the airlock, causing the alien to be sucked into space. Despite its initial resistance, Ripley successfully ejects the creature into the void. The film concludes with Ripley recording a final log entry, expressing her hope for rescue as she places herself and the ship's cat, Jones, into stasis. This ending underscores themes of survival and resilience, while leaving the door open for potential sequels by showing Ripley adrift in space, awaiting rescue.