Ammonite Ending Explained
| 2020Directed by: Francis Lee
Main Plot
"Ammonite," directed by Francis Lee, is a period drama set in the 1840s on the rugged coast of Lyme Regis, England. The film follows the life of a dedicated and skilled fossil hunter who spends her days combing the beach for ammonites and other prehistoric remnants. Her solitary existence is disrupted when a wealthy visitor entrusts her with the care of his young wife, who is recovering from a personal tragedy. As the two women spend time together, a deep and unexpected bond forms between them, challenging societal norms and personal boundaries. The film explores themes of love, loneliness, and the constraints imposed by class and gender during the era. The harsh and beautiful coastal landscape serves as a backdrop to the evolving relationship, mirroring the emotional intensity and isolation experienced by the characters. "Ammonite" delves into the complexities of human connection and the struggle for personal fulfillment in a world that often stifles individuality. The narrative is driven by subtle, nuanced interactions and the unspoken understanding that develops between the two women, highlighting the transformative power of love and companionship.
- Kate Winslet plays Mary Anning, a fossil hunter who develops a deep, transformative relationship with Charlotte Murchison, impacting both their lives profoundly.
- Saoirse Ronan plays Charlotte Murchison, a young woman who forms a deep emotional connection with Mary Anning, sparking personal transformation and exploration of love.
- Gemma Jones plays Molly Anning, Mary Anning's mother, who provides emotional support and highlights the challenges faced by women in the 19th-century fossil-hunting community.
Ending Explained
In the final scenes of the film, Mary Anning, a fossil hunter, and Charlotte Murchison, a young woman recovering from illness, face the culmination of their complex relationship. After a passionate and transformative affair, Charlotte returns to London, leaving Mary in Lyme Regis. The separation is marked by a poignant exchange of letters, revealing their deep emotional connection despite the physical distance. Mary, initially resistant to change and emotionally guarded, finds herself profoundly affected by Charlotte's presence and departure. The film concludes with Mary visiting the British Museum, where she sees her fossil discoveries displayed without credit. This moment underscores her struggle for recognition in a male-dominated field. In a significant turn, Mary visits Charlotte at her London home. The reunion is tense, reflecting the societal constraints and personal sacrifices both women face. The ending is open to interpretation, leaving viewers to ponder the future of their relationship. It highlights themes of love, loss, and the quest for personal and professional acknowledgment. The film closes with a lingering sense of unresolved tension, emphasizing the enduring impact of their connection and the challenges posed by societal norms of the time.