Antlers Ending Explained
| 2021Directed by: Scott Cooper
Main Plot
"Antlers," directed by Scott Cooper, is a horror film set in a small, isolated Oregon town. The story revolves around a middle school teacher, Julia Meadows, who becomes concerned about one of her students, Lucas Weaver. Lucas exhibits strange behavior and appears to be hiding a dark secret at home. As Julia delves deeper into Lucas's life, she discovers that his family is entangled with a malevolent, ancient creature rooted in Native American folklore. The creature's presence brings a series of gruesome events that threaten the entire community. Julia, along with her brother Paul, the local sheriff, must confront the terrifying entity to save Lucas and the town from its wrath. The film explores themes of trauma, family, and the clash between modern life and ancient myths.
- Keri Russell plays Julia Meadows, a schoolteacher who becomes concerned about a troubled student and uncovers a horrifying secret involving his family and a supernatural creature.
- Jesse Plemons plays Paul Meadows, a small-town sheriff investigating a series of mysterious and gruesome events linked to a young boy and his family's dark secret.
- Jeremy T. Thomas plays Lucas Weaver, a troubled young boy whose dark family secret becomes central to the horror unfolding in his small town.
Ending Explained
In the movie "Antlers," directed by Scott Cooper, the climax reveals the true nature of the creature terrorizing the small Oregon town. The creature is a Wendigo, a malevolent spirit from Native American folklore that possesses humans and turns them into monstrous beings driven by insatiable hunger. The protagonist, Julia Meadows, a schoolteacher, discovers that her student, Lucas Weaver, has been hiding his infected father and younger brother, both of whom have transformed into Wendigos. In the final confrontation, Julia, along with her brother Paul, the town sheriff, confronts the Wendigo in an abandoned mine. Julia is forced to kill Lucas's father to save herself and Lucas, ending his suffering and the immediate threat. However, the conclusion leaves an unsettling ambiguity. Paul, who was injured during the confrontation, begins to show signs of infection, suggesting that the Wendigo's curse may continue. The film ends on a somber note, highlighting the cyclical nature of the Wendigo's curse and the lingering impact of trauma and violence on the community.