Beware the Slenderman Ending Explained
| 2016Directed by: Irene Taylor
Main Plot
"Beware the Slenderman," directed by Irene Taylor, is a chilling documentary that delves into the real-life consequences of an internet-born myth. The film centers around a shocking incident where two young girls, influenced by the fictional character Slenderman, commit a violent act against a friend. The narrative explores the origins and evolution of the Slenderman myth, a faceless, tall figure that emerged from online forums and creepypasta stories, captivating the imaginations of many. Key events include the detailed recounting of the crime, the subsequent police investigation, and the legal proceedings that follow. The documentary also examines the psychological and social factors that contributed to the girls' belief in Slenderman, highlighting the impact of digital culture on young minds. Themes of innocence, the power of belief, and the dark side of the internet are prevalent throughout the film. Through interviews with family members, experts, and the girls themselves, the documentary provides a comprehensive look at how a fictional character can lead to real-world tragedy, raising questions about the influence of online content and the vulnerabilities of youth in the digital age.
- Morgan Geyser is a central figure, involved in a stabbing incident driven by the belief in the fictional Slenderman, highlighting the impact of internet myths on young minds.
- Anissa Weier is a central figure who, alongside Morgan Geyser, attempted to murder a friend, believing it would appease the fictional Slenderman.
- Angie Geyser is the mother of Anissa Weier, one of the girls involved in the stabbing incident. She provides insight into Anissa's life and mental state before the crime.
Ending Explained
The film concludes by focusing on the aftermath of the stabbing incident involving two 12-year-old girls, Morgan Geyser and Anissa Weier, who lured their friend, Payton Leutner, into the woods and attacked her in an attempt to appease the fictional character Slenderman. Payton survives the attack and manages to crawl to a nearby road where she is found and rescued. The film then shifts to the legal proceedings that follow. Morgan and Anissa are both charged with attempted first-degree homicide and are tried as adults due to the severity of their crime. The court proceedings reveal the extent of their belief in Slenderman, highlighting the influence of internet culture and mental health issues. Morgan is diagnosed with early-onset schizophrenia, which plays a significant role in her defense. Anissa, while not diagnosed with a mental illness, is portrayed as being deeply influenced by Morgan and the Slenderman mythos. Ultimately, Anissa is sentenced to 25 years in a mental health institution, while Morgan receives a 40-year sentence in a similar facility. The film ends by reflecting on the impact of the crime on the families involved and raises questions about the intersection of mental health, the internet, and the justice system. The closing scenes underscore the lasting consequences of the girls' actions and the ongoing recovery of Payton Leutner.