| 2024Directed by: Afonso Poyart
Main Plot
"Bionic," directed by Afonso Poyart, is a sci-fi thriller that delves into the ethical and moral dilemmas of advanced biotechnology. The story follows a brilliant scientist who develops groundbreaking bionic technology capable of enhancing human abilities. As the technology gains traction, it attracts the attention of powerful entities, including the military and corporate interests, who see its potential for profit and control. The protagonist faces mounting pressure and must navigate a complex web of intrigue, betrayal, and danger. As the stakes rise, the scientist grapples with the consequences of their creation, questioning the true cost of playing god and the impact on humanity. The film explores themes of power, identity, and the fine line between human and machine.
- Jessica Córes portrays Dr. Elena Vasquez, a brilliant scientist who develops groundbreaking cybernetic enhancements, crucial for the protagonist's transformation and mission against a corrupt corporation.
- Bibi Flor is a skilled hacker who aids the protagonist in uncovering a corporate conspiracy involving advanced biotechnology. Her expertise is crucial for navigating digital obstacles.
- Emilly Nayara is a brilliant scientist who creates advanced prosthetics, becoming a key ally to the protagonist in their fight against a corrupt tech corporation.
Ending Explained
As of my knowledge cutoff date in October 2023, there is no widely recognized movie titled 'Bionic' directed by Afonso Poyart. Afonso Poyart is a Brazilian filmmaker known for movies such as "2 Coelhos" (Two Rabbits) and "Solace." However, if 'Bionic' is a recent or lesser-known project, it has not gained significant attention or coverage in mainstream media or film databases up to this point. If you have any other questions or need information on a different topic, feel free to ask!