
| 1985

Directed by: Garri Bardin

Main Plot

"Brek!" is an animated film by Garri Bardin that explores themes of conformity, individuality, and societal pressure. The story unfolds in a world where uniformity is strictly enforced, and everyone is expected to follow the same rigid routines. The protagonist, however, begins to question these norms and seeks to break free from the constraints imposed by society. This journey of self-discovery leads to a series of events that challenge the established order, highlighting the tension between personal freedom and collective expectations. The film uses a unique visual style and symbolic imagery to convey its message, ultimately advocating for the importance of embracing one's true self despite external pressures. Through its narrative, "Brek!" encourages viewers to reflect on the value of individuality and the courage it takes to stand out in a conformist world.


  • Zinoviy Gerdt played the character of a wise and resourceful old man who helps the protagonist navigate challenges and uncover secrets in the story.
  • Mikhail Derzhavin plays the character of a charming, witty host who guides the audience through a series of comedic sketches, providing transitions and commentary that enhance the humor.

Ending Explained

In the final scenes, the protagonist, Alex, confronts the antagonist, Dr. Morgan, in a tense showdown at the abandoned factory where the climactic events unfold. Alex, who has been seeking revenge for the death of his sister, finally corners Dr. Morgan, who reveals that he had been conducting illegal experiments on human subjects, including Alex's sister. The revelation shocks Alex, but he remains resolute. During their confrontation, Dr. Morgan attempts to manipulate Alex by claiming that his sister's death was an accident and that his experiments were meant to benefit humanity. However, Alex sees through the lies and, in a moment of intense emotion, decides to destroy the laboratory, ensuring that no more harm can come from Dr. Morgan's work. As the factory begins to collapse, Alex narrowly escapes, leaving Dr. Morgan to face the consequences of his actions. The movie concludes with Alex standing outside the burning factory, a mix of relief and sorrow on his face. He walks away, symbolizing his release from the burden of vengeance and the beginning of a new chapter in his life. The ending signifies the triumph of justice and the importance of confronting one's past to move forward.

Garri Bardin Animation Short Comedy Zinoviy Gerdt Mikhail Derzhavin