Main Plot
"Citizen Ruth," directed by Alexander Payne, is a satirical comedy-drama that explores the polarizing issue of abortion in America. The film follows a homeless, drug-addicted woman who becomes pregnant and finds herself at the center of a fierce battle between pro-life and pro-choice activists. After being arrested for endangering her unborn child, she is offered a chance to reduce her sentence if she agrees to have an abortion. This proposition thrusts her into the national spotlight, as both sides of the abortion debate attempt to use her as a symbol for their causes. The narrative unfolds as each group tries to sway her decision, offering various incentives and manipulating her situation to serve their agendas. The film cleverly critiques the extremism and hypocrisy often present in such debates, highlighting how individuals can become pawns in larger ideological conflicts. Through its dark humor and sharp social commentary, "Citizen Ruth" challenges viewers to consider the complexities and personal dimensions of the abortion issue, while also examining the broader societal tendency to exploit vulnerable individuals for political gain. The film ultimately raises questions about autonomy, choice, and the often absurd nature of ideological warfare.