| 2005Directed by: Francis Lawrence
Main Plot
"Constantine," directed by Francis Lawrence, follows John Constantine, a cynical occult detective with the ability to perceive and communicate with half-angels and half-demons. Battling terminal lung cancer, Constantine seeks redemption for a past suicide attempt by exorcising demons back to Hell, hoping to earn his way into Heaven. When a police detective named Angela Dodson seeks his help to investigate her twin sister's mysterious death, Constantine uncovers a sinister plot involving demonic forces attempting to breach the human world. As he delves deeper, Constantine faces formidable supernatural adversaries and must confront his own inner demons. The film blends elements of horror, action, and religious mythology, culminating in a climactic battle between good and evil.
- Keanu Reeves plays John Constantine, a demon hunter with the ability to see supernatural beings, who battles dark forces to save humanity and his own soul.
- Rachel Weisz plays Angela Dodson, a detective investigating her twin sister's mysterious death, who teams up with John Constantine to uncover a supernatural conspiracy.
- Djimon Hounsou plays Papa Midnite, a former witch doctor turned nightclub owner who maintains neutrality between Heaven and Hell, aiding John Constantine reluctantly.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of 'Constantine,' directed by Francis Lawrence, the protagonist John Constantine confronts the half-demon son of Satan, Mammon, who seeks to create hell on Earth by possessing the psychic Angela Dodson. With the help of Angela and his allies, Constantine manages to thwart Mammon's plans. In a climactic scene, Constantine sacrifices himself by slitting his wrists, summoning Lucifer to collect his soul personally. Lucifer arrives and, intrigued by Constantine's actions, intervenes to stop Mammon's rise, banishing him back to Hell. As Constantine lies dying, he selflessly asks Lucifer to release Angela's sister, Isabel, from Hell, which Lucifer grants. Impressed by Constantine's sacrifice, Lucifer decides to heal his wounds and grants him a second chance at life, hoping that Constantine will eventually damn himself again. In the final scenes, Constantine is seen chewing gum instead of smoking, symbolizing his attempt to change his fate and seek redemption. The movie ends with Constantine giving Angela the Spear of Destiny for safekeeping, hinting at his continued battle against dark forces.