Creed Ending Explained
| 2015Directed by: Ryan Coogler
Main Plot
"Creed" is a sports drama film directed by Ryan Coogler that serves as a continuation of the Rocky film series. The story follows Adonis Johnson, the son of the late boxing champion Apollo Creed. Despite his father's legendary legacy, Adonis is determined to carve his own path in the boxing world and seeks to make a name for himself outside of his father's shadow. To achieve this, he moves to Philadelphia, where he tracks down Rocky Balboa, his father's former rival and friend, and persuades him to come out of retirement to become his trainer. Despite Rocky's initial reluctance, he sees potential in Adonis and agrees to mentor him. Together, they confront their personal battles and prepare for a significant fight that tests Adonis's skills and determination. The film explores themes of identity, legacy, and resilience, as Adonis strives to prove himself and honor his father's memory.
- Michael B. Jordan plays Adonis Johnson, the son of Apollo Creed, who seeks to carve his own legacy in boxing with Rocky Balboa's mentorship.
- Sylvester Stallone plays Rocky Balboa, a retired boxer who becomes the mentor and trainer to Adonis Johnson, the son of his late friend and former rival Apollo Creed.
- Tessa Thompson plays Bianca Taylor, a singer and love interest of Adonis Creed, supporting his boxing career and personal growth throughout the film.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of the movie "Creed," directed by Ryan Coogler, Adonis Creed, portrayed by Michael B. Jordan, faces off against 'Pretty' Ricky Conlan, the reigning world light heavyweight champion, in a highly anticipated match. Despite being a newcomer and underdog, Adonis shows remarkable skill and determination, echoing the legacy of his father, Apollo Creed. Throughout the fight, Adonis is knocked down multiple times but each time, he resiliently gets back up, demonstrating his resolve and fighting spirit. The climax of the movie occurs in the final round of the match when Adonis, inspired by his trainer and father-figure Rocky Balboa, played by Sylvester Stallone, gives his all despite the physical toll. The fight ends with a split decision, with Conlan narrowly winning. However, Adonis earns respect from both the crowd and Conlan for his incredible performance and heart. The film concludes with Adonis and Rocky climbing the iconic Philadelphia Museum of Art steps, symbolizing Adonis's acceptance of his heritage and his own path in boxing. Rocky, battling cancer, finds renewed strength and purpose in training Adonis, passing on his legacy. The movie ends on a note of mutual respect and emotional growth, highlighting themes of perseverance, identity, and familial legacy.