Due Date Ending Explained
| 2010Directed by: Todd Phillips
Main Plot
"Due Date," directed by Todd Phillips, is a road comedy that follows an expectant father who is desperate to get home in time for the birth of his child. After being placed on a no-fly list, he is forced to hitch a ride with an eccentric aspiring actor. The journey quickly spirals into a series of misadventures, including car crashes, run-ins with the law, and unexpected detours. As the two navigate various obstacles, their contrasting personalities lead to numerous conflicts and comedic situations. The film explores themes of friendship, responsibility, and personal growth, highlighting how the characters' interactions ultimately lead to mutual understanding and self-discovery. The narrative balances humor with moments of genuine emotion, creating a dynamic and entertaining story about the unpredictable nature of life and the importance of human connection.
- Peter Highman, played by Robert Downey Jr., is an expectant father who embarks on a chaotic cross-country journey to reach his wife's side before the birth of their child.
- Ethan Tremblay, an aspiring actor, inadvertently causes chaos while traveling cross-country with Robert Downey Jr.'s character to reach a crucial event on time.
- Michelle Monaghan plays Sarah Highman, Peter Highman's wife. Her pregnancy and impending labor drive Peter's urgent cross-country journey, central to the film's plot.
Ending Explained
In the final scenes, Peter and Ethan finally reach Los Angeles after a tumultuous cross-country journey. Peter rushes to the hospital where his wife, Sarah, is in labor. Despite their rocky relationship, Ethan insists on accompanying Peter to the delivery room. Peter initially hesitates but eventually allows Ethan to join him, recognizing the bond they've formed. Sarah gives birth to a healthy baby girl, and Peter is overwhelmed with emotion. Ethan, who has been carrying his father's ashes throughout the trip, finds a sense of closure and decides to scatter the ashes at the Grand Canyon, fulfilling his father's last wish. This act symbolizes Ethan's acceptance of his father's death and his readiness to move forward. The movie concludes with Peter, Sarah, and their newborn daughter watching Ethan on a television show, where he has achieved his dream of becoming an actor. This ending highlights the growth of both characters: Peter has learned to be more open and accepting, while Ethan has found a sense of purpose and direction. The journey, filled with mishaps and misunderstandings, ultimately leads to personal growth and the forging of an unlikely but meaningful friendship.