Main Plot
"Eileen" is a psychological drama set in the 1960s, centered around the titular character, Eileen, who works as a secretary at a boys' prison in Massachusetts. Her life is marked by monotony and loneliness, punctuated by her difficult relationship with her alcoholic father. Eileen's mundane existence takes a dramatic turn with the arrival of the glamorous and enigmatic Rebecca Saint John, a new counselor at the prison. Rebecca's sophisticated demeanor and mysterious allure captivate Eileen, drawing her into a complex web of intrigue and suspense. As Eileen becomes increasingly infatuated with Rebecca, she is pulled into a plot that pushes the boundaries of her morality and leads her to confront her deepest desires and fears. The film explores themes of obsession, identity, and the desperate yearnings for escape and transformation in a setting where every character harbors secrets. "Eileen" builds tension and psychological intrigue as it delves into the dark corners of its characters' psyches, leading to a climactic conclusion that challenges the viewer's perceptions of right and wrong.