Employee of the Month
| 2006Directed by: Greg Coolidge
Main Plot
"Employee of the Month," directed by Greg Coolidge, is a comedy centered around the competitive dynamics within a large retail store. The plot unfolds as two employees, both vying for the coveted title of Employee of the Month, engage in a series of humorous and escalating antics to outdo each other. The competition intensifies when a new cashier, who is rumored to date the Employee of the Month, joins the store, adding personal stakes to the rivalry. The film explores themes of ambition, rivalry, and the pursuit of recognition, highlighting how workplace competition can affect personal relationships and self-worth. As the story progresses, the characters are forced to confront their motivations and the true value of their efforts, leading to moments of self-discovery and growth. The comedic elements are balanced with a light-hearted critique of corporate culture and the often superficial nature of workplace accolades. Ultimately, "Employee of the Month" delivers a message about the importance of integrity and teamwork over individual accolades, wrapped in a narrative filled with humor and relatable workplace scenarios.
- Jessica Simpson plays Amy, a new cashier whose presence sparks competition between two employees vying for her attention, driving the comedic rivalry central to the plot.
- Zack Bradley, a slacker box boy, competes for the "Employee of the Month" title to win the affection of new cashier Amy.
- Dax Shepard plays Vince Downey, a cocky, top-performing cashier competing for the "Employee of the Month" title, creating rivalry and tension with co-worker Zack.
Ending Explained
In the final act of the film, the protagonist, Zack, a laid-back and underachieving box boy, competes against Vince, the store's top cashier, for the coveted 'Employee of the Month' title. Throughout the movie, Zack's motivation is driven by his interest in Amy, a new employee who is rumored to date the Employee of the Month. As the competition intensifies, Zack begins to take his job seriously, improving his work ethic and gaining the respect of his colleagues. The climax occurs during a store-wide competition where Zack and Vince face off in various tasks. Zack's innovative approach and teamwork help him outperform Vince, who relies on his usual solo tactics. In a surprising turn, Zack wins the title, but more importantly, he gains personal growth and self-respect. Amy reveals that she values Zack's genuine character over Vince's superficial charm, leading to a budding romance between her and Zack. The ending signifies Zack's transformation from a slacker to a responsible and motivated individual. It underscores themes of personal growth, the value of teamwork, and the importance of authenticity over superficial achievements. Zack's victory is not just about the title but about his journey towards self-improvement and meaningful relationships.