| 2017Directed by: Jay.k
Main Plot
"Ezra," directed by Jay.k, is a Malayalam horror-thriller that revolves around Ranjan and his wife Priya, who move to Kochi due to Ranjan's job transfer. They purchase an antique Jewish box from an antique shop, unaware of its dark history. Soon after, they experience a series of disturbing and supernatural events. As the couple delves deeper into the mystery, they uncover the box's connection to a malevolent spirit named Abraham Ezra, a Jewish man who faced tragic circumstances in the past. The narrative intertwines historical elements with the present-day haunting, leading Ranjan and Priya to seek help from experts in Jewish mysticism and exorcism. The film builds tension through its eerie atmosphere and explores themes of love, revenge, and redemption, ultimately leading to a climactic confrontation with the vengeful spirit.
- Prithviraj Sukumaran plays Ranjan Mathew, who relocates to Kochi with his wife. They encounter a haunted antique box, leading to a series of supernatural events.
- Priya Anand plays Priya, Ranjan's supportive wife, who becomes entangled in a supernatural mystery involving a haunted box, driving the plot's tension and emotional stakes.
- Tovino Thomas plays A.C.P. Shafeer Ahammed, a police officer investigating paranormal activities linked to an ancient Jewish box, crucial to unraveling the mystery.
Ending Explained
In the climax of the movie 'Ezra,' directed by Jay.K, the narrative reaches a gripping conclusion as the protagonist, Ranjan, and his wife Priya confront the malevolent spirit of Abraham Ezra. The story reveals that Ezra, a Jewish man, was wrongfully accused of practicing black magic and subsequently lynched by a mob. His spirit, seeking vengeance, possesses Priya. Ranjan, with the help of a Rabbi, learns about the tragic past and the rituals required to exorcise the spirit. The final scenes depict a tense exorcism ritual where Ranjan and the Rabbi strive to free Priya from Ezra's clutches. They manage to perform the ritual successfully, and Ezra's spirit is finally laid to rest, bringing peace to his tormented soul. The movie concludes with Ranjan and Priya resuming their lives, now free from the haunting. The resolution underscores themes of redemption and the importance of understanding and addressing historical injustices, providing a poignant end to the supernatural thriller.