Main Plot
"Fallen," directed by Gregory Hoblit, is a supernatural thriller centered around Detective John Hobbes, who witnesses the execution of a serial killer, Edgar Reese. Despite Reese's death, similar murders begin occurring, leading Hobbes to investigate further. He discovers that an ancient demonic entity named Azazel is responsible, possessing people through touch and continuing its killing spree. As Hobbes delves deeper, he learns that Azazel can transfer from one person to another, making it nearly impossible to catch. The detective faces a moral and existential crisis as he tries to stop the seemingly unstoppable force, all while grappling with the realization that the evil he is fighting may never truly be vanquished. The film explores themes of good versus evil, the nature of sin, and the limits of human understanding in the face of supernatural forces.
Ending Explained
In the movie "Fallen," directed by Gregory Hoblit, the climax reveals a twist in the battle between Detective John Hobbes (Denzel Washington) and the fallen angel Azazel. Throughout the film, Hobbes discovers that Azazel, a malevolent spirit, can possess people through touch. In the final confrontation, Hobbes lures Azazel to a remote cabin, intending to kill himself to trap the spirit in a dying body, as Azazel can only survive for a short time without a host.
Hobbes poisons himself and his adversary, Detective Jonesy (John Goodman), who is possessed by Azazel. As Jonesy dies, Azazel transfers into Hobbes, who then succumbs to the poison. However, in a shocking twist, Azazel reveals through narration that he managed to possess a nearby cat before Hobbes died, allowing him to survive. The film concludes with Azazel's voiceover, indicating that he remains free to continue his malevolent activities, thus leaving the battle between good and evil unresolved and highlighting the persistent nature of evil.