Main Plot
"Fractured," directed by Brad Anderson, is a psychological thriller that delves into themes of perception, reality, and the fragility of the human mind. The story begins with a family road trip that takes a dark turn after a stop at a gas station. Following a minor accident, they rush to a nearby hospital to seek medical attention. As the father navigates the hospital's bureaucratic maze, his wife and daughter mysteriously vanish. The narrative unfolds through a tense and disorienting journey as the father desperately searches for his missing family, encountering uncooperative hospital staff and a series of baffling events. His increasingly frantic efforts to uncover the truth lead him to question his own sanity and the reliability of his memories. The film expertly builds suspense, utilizing a claustrophobic setting and a haunting score to amplify the sense of paranoia and confusion. Key themes include the exploration of trauma, the unreliability of perception, and the lengths one might go to protect loved ones. "Fractured" keeps viewers on edge with its unpredictable twists and turns, ultimately challenging them to discern between reality and illusion.