It Follows Ending Explained
| 2014Directed by: David Robert Mitchell
Main Plot
In the film "It Follows," directed by David Robert Mitchell, the story revolves around a supernatural entity that relentlessly pursues its victims. The curse is passed from person to person through sexual encounters. The protagonist, Jay, becomes the latest recipient of this curse after a seemingly normal date and sexual encounter with her new boyfriend. Soon after, she experiences terrifying visions and the eerie sensation that someone, or something, is constantly following her. The entity can take the appearance of any person, whether a stranger or someone familiar, and it only walks towards its target, never running. The only way to rid oneself of the curse is to pass it to another through a sexual encounter. Jay, along with the help of her friends, struggles to find a way to escape the relentless pursuit of the entity. They delve into understanding the rules that govern this curse, while also dealing with the moral implications of passing it onto someone else. The film explores themes of inevitability, trust, and the transition from adolescence to adulthood.
- Maika Monroe plays Jay Height, a young woman pursued by a supernatural entity after a sexual encounter. She struggles to escape the relentless, shape-shifting creature.
- Keir Gilchrist plays Paul, a friend who has a crush on the protagonist and helps her escape a supernatural entity.
- Olivia Luccardi plays Yara, a friend of the protagonist, who helps in dealing with a supernatural entity transmitted through sexual encounters.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of the film "It Follows," directed by David Robert Mitchell, the protagonist, Jay Height, along with her friends, devises a plan to kill the entity that has been relentlessly pursuing her. They decide to lure the entity to a swimming pool, where they attempt to electrocute it using various electrical devices. The plan, however, does not go smoothly. The entity, invisible to everyone except Jay, attacks her in the pool, throwing the devices at her rather than entering the water. Despite the chaos, Jay's friend, Paul, manages to shoot the entity in the head while it is in the water, causing it to sink to the bottom of the pool. The blood fills the water, suggesting that the entity might be dead. However, the film leaves some ambiguity as it is unclear whether the entity has been truly defeated. In the final scenes, Jay and Paul decide to enter into a relationship, and Paul is seen driving past prostitutes, possibly considering passing the curse to someone else. The movie ends with Jay and Paul walking hand in hand, with a figure ambiguously following them in the background, leaving viewers questioning whether the threat is truly gone or still lingering.