Krull Ending Explained
| 1983Directed by: Peter Yates
Main Plot
"Krull," directed by Peter Yates, is a 1983 fantasy adventure film set in a mystical world. The story follows a young prince who embarks on a perilous quest to rescue his bride from the clutches of an evil entity known as the Beast. The Beast has invaded the planet Krull with his army of Slayers, capturing the princess and taking her to his impenetrable Black Fortress. To save her, the prince must gather a band of allies, including a cyclops, a magician, and a band of thieves. Along the way, they face numerous challenges and magical creatures. The prince seeks a legendary weapon called the Glaive, which he believes will help him defeat the Beast. The film combines elements of science fiction and fantasy, featuring epic battles, mystical landscapes, and a journey of courage and determination. The prince's mission is not only to save his beloved but also to unite the warring kingdoms of Krull against the common enemy.
- Ken Marshall plays Prince Colwyn, the protagonist who embarks on a quest to rescue Princess Lyssa from the Beast and his army of Slayers.
- Lysette Anthony plays Princess Lyssa, whose kidnapping by the Beast sets off a quest by Prince Colwyn to rescue her and defeat the evil creature.
- Freddie Jones plays Ynyr, the wise old seer who guides the hero, Colwyn, on his quest to rescue Princess Lyssa from the Beast and his minions.
Ending Explained
In the movie 'Krull,' directed by Peter Yates, the climax unfolds with Prince Colwyn and his band of allies infiltrating the Black Fortress to rescue Princess Lyssa from the clutches of the Beast. Colwyn wields the mystical weapon, the Glaive, to battle the Beast. Despite initial success, the Glaive becomes lodged in the Beast's body, and Colwyn is unable to retrieve it. As the Beast recovers and attacks, Colwyn and Lyssa realize that their love and unity are the true source of their power. Together, they unleash a powerful fire that ultimately destroys the Beast and the Black Fortress. The conclusion sees the surviving heroes escaping the collapsing fortress. Colwyn and Lyssa, now reunited, are poised to rule the planet Krull as king and queen. The film ends with the prophecy being fulfilled: their son is destined to rule the galaxy. The final scenes emphasize themes of love, unity, and destiny, highlighting the triumph of good over evil and the promise of a hopeful future for the kingdom of Krull.