Minions Ending Explained
| 2015Directed by: Kyle Balda, Pierre Coffin
Main Plot
"Minions," directed by Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin, is an animated comedy that serves as a prequel to the "Despicable Me" series. The film traces the evolutionary journey of the Minions, starting from their time as single-celled organisms all the way through to the 20th century. Their sole purpose in life is to serve the most despicable masters they can find. Throughout history, they have inadvertently managed to thwart the plans of their various evil bosses due to their bumbling nature. The story picks up in the 1960s, a period during which the Minions find themselves without a master. Feeling purposeless, three Minions named Kevin, Stuart, and Bob embark on a quest to find a new evil boss. Their search leads them to a villain convention where they compete for the right to become henchmen for Scarlet Overkill, a stylish and ambitious villainess. The trio travels to London, where they must steal the Queen's crown for Scarlet. Their mission leads to a series of comedic escapades and ultimately challenges their loyalty to one another and their new boss.
- Sandra Bullock voices Scarlett Overkill, a supervillain who recruits the Minions to steal the British crown, becoming their new master in the process.
- Jon Hamm voices Herb Overkill, an inventor who assists Scarlet Overkill in her plot to steal the British crown, providing gadgets and weapons to the Minions.
- Michael Keaton voices Walter Nelson, a family man and bank robber who helps the Minions hitchhike to Villain-Con, aiding their quest to find a new evil boss.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of the movie "Minions," directed by Kyle Balda and Pierre Coffin, the story culminates with the Minions, primarily Kevin, Stuart, and Bob, in a series of chaotic yet heroic actions. After a series of misadventures, the trio finds themselves in England where they inadvertently become involved in a plot to overthrow Queen Elizabeth II, orchestrated by the supervillain Scarlet Overkill. Despite initially working for Scarlet, the Minions grow disillusioned with her ruthless tactics and her disregard for their well-being. The climax of the film occurs during Scarlet's coronation. When Scarlet orders the Minions to be executed after they fail to serve her, Kevin rescues Stuart and Bob, and they work together to stop Scarlet and her husband Herb. Kevin, in a moment of bravery and quick thinking, swallows a missile that explodes and turns him into a giant. He then saves the day by stopping Scarlet and Herb, and inadvertently returns the crown to Queen Elizabeth II. The film concludes with the Minions being honored by the Queen, only to be distracted by the appearance of a young Gru. They follow Gru, setting the stage for their future adventures as his henchmen, as depicted in the "Despicable Me" series. This ending ties the standalone story of the Minions back to the main narrative of the "Despicable Me" franchise