Moose Hunters
| 1937Directed by: Ben Sharpsteen
Main Plot
"Moose Hunters," directed by Ben Sharpsteen, is a classic animated short film featuring three beloved characters embarking on a humorous adventure. The trio sets out into the wilderness with the goal of hunting moose. Their plan involves elaborate and often absurd tactics to attract and capture their quarry. As they navigate the forest, they encounter a series of comical mishaps and misunderstandings that thwart their efforts. The film is filled with slapstick humor and clever gags, showcasing the characters' distinct personalities and their dynamic interactions. Despite their best efforts, the hunters' schemes often backfire in unexpected and entertaining ways, leading to a series of laugh-out-loud moments. The short concludes with a humorous twist, leaving the audience amused by the characters' antics and the unpredictable nature of their adventure.
- Stuart Buchanan voices the character of a moose in the cartoon, adding comedic elements as the main characters attempt to hunt him.
- Pinto Colvig voiced Goofy, who, along with Mickey and Donald, attempts to hunt a mechanical moose, leading to a series of comedic misadventures.
- Goofy is one of the main characters who, along with Mickey and Donald, attempts to hunt a moose using various comedic methods.
Ending Explained
"Moose Hunters," directed by Ben Sharpsteen, concludes with a comedic and chaotic resolution typical of Disney's classic shorts. In the film, Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, and Goofy embark on a moose hunting expedition. Their efforts are marked by a series of humorous mishaps and misunderstandings. As the story progresses, the trio's ineptitude becomes increasingly evident, leading to a climactic encounter with a moose. In the final scenes, the moose, initially the target of their hunt, turns the tables on the hunters. The animal chases Mickey, Donald, and Goofy, causing them to flee in a frantic and disorganized manner. The chase culminates in a series of slapstick gags, with the hunters narrowly escaping various predicaments. Ultimately, the trio ends up in a river, floating away on a log, battered but unharmed. The film closes with the friends laughing off their misadventure, highlighting the enduring theme of camaraderie and resilience despite failure. This ending reinforces the lighthearted and humorous tone that characterizes the short.