My Little Pony: The Movie Ending Explained

| 2017

Directed by: Jayson Thiessen

Movie poster for My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)

Main Plot

In "My Little Pony: The Movie," directed by Jayson Thiessen, the peaceful land of Equestria faces a dire threat when the villainous Storm King invades, seeking to steal the magic of the ponies. To save their home, Twilight Sparkle and her friends embark on a perilous journey beyond Equestria's borders. Along the way, they encounter new allies, including a pirate crew, a reclusive seapony kingdom, and a roguish cat. Together, they must overcome numerous challenges and learn the value of friendship and unity. Their adventure ultimately leads to a climactic battle to reclaim Equestria and restore harmony to their world.


  • Emily Blunt voices Tempest Shadow, a unicorn with a broken horn who serves as the main antagonist, seeking to capture the princesses for the Storm King.
  • Kristin Chenoweth voices Princess Skystar, a bubbly and optimistic seapony who helps the main characters in their quest to save their homeland from an evil threat.
  • Liev Schreiber voices the Storm King, the main antagonist who seeks to conquer Equestria by stealing its magic.

Ending Explained

In the climax of 'My Little Pony: The Movie,' directed by Jayson Thiessen, the main characters, led by Twilight Sparkle, confront the villainous Storm King. The Storm King has taken control of the magical land of Equestria and aims to harness the power of the four alicorn princesses. Twilight and her friends—Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Fluttershy, and Spike—embark on a perilous journey to seek help from new allies, including the pirate Captain Celaeno, the reclusive seapony Princess Skystar, and the former enemy Tempest Shadow. In the final battle, Tempest Shadow, who initially served the Storm King, has a change of heart after witnessing the power of friendship and loyalty displayed by Twilight and her friends. She sacrifices herself to save Twilight, leading to the Storm King's defeat. The magical staff he wields is destroyed, restoring harmony to Equestria. The movie concludes with a grand celebration in Canterlot, where Tempest, now reformed, is accepted by the ponies. The film underscores themes of friendship, redemption, and unity, reinforcing the core values of the 'My Little Pony' franchise.

Jayson Thiessen Animation Adventure Comedy Emily Blunt Kristin Chenoweth Liev Schreiber