Mystery, Alaska Ending Explained

| 1999

Directed by: Jay Roach

Movie poster for Mystery, Alaska (1999)

Main Plot

"Mystery, Alaska," directed by Jay Roach, is a sports comedy-drama centered around the small, remote town of Mystery, where hockey is a beloved pastime. The plot kicks off when a former resident, now a big-city journalist, writes an article about the town's amateur hockey team, catching the attention of the National Hockey League. This leads to an unexpected opportunity: the Mystery team is invited to play an exhibition game against the New York Rangers. The town rallies together, facing internal conflicts and personal challenges as they prepare for the biggest game of their lives. The film explores themes of community, pride, and the underdog spirit, culminating in a heartfelt and humorous showdown on the ice.


  • John Biebe, the town sheriff, leads a local hockey team in a high-stakes game against the New York Rangers, uniting the community.
  • Burt Reynolds plays Judge Walter Burns, who supports the local hockey team and helps navigate the legal and community challenges they face.
  • Hank Azaria plays Charles Danner, a former resident who returns as a sports reporter, helping to arrange a high-stakes hockey game that challenges the small town's team.

Ending Explained

In the conclusion of "Mystery, Alaska," directed by Jay Roach, the small-town hockey team from Mystery, Alaska, faces off against the New York Rangers in an exhibition game. Despite their initial underdog status, the Mystery team plays with heart and determination, showcasing their skills and surprising everyone with their competitive spirit. The game is intense and closely contested, with the Mystery team managing to hold their own against the professional players. Ultimately, the Rangers win the game by a narrow margin, but the real victory lies in the pride and unity the Mystery team brings to their town. The townspeople, who had been divided by various personal and political conflicts, come together to support their team, finding a renewed sense of community and shared purpose. The film ends on a hopeful note, emphasizing the themes of perseverance, teamwork, and the unifying power of sports. The final scenes highlight the lasting impact of the game on the town and its residents, celebrating their collective spirit and resilience.

Jay Roach Comedy Drama Sport Russell Crowe Burt Reynolds Hank Azaria