Na lesnoy trope

| 1975

Directed by: Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin

Main Plot

"Na lesnoy trope," directed by Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin, is an animated short film that unfolds in a vibrant forest setting. The story follows a series of humorous and engaging events that occur along a woodland path. The narrative is driven by a sequence of encounters between various forest animals, each interaction highlighting themes of curiosity, mischief, and the unexpected consequences of seemingly simple actions. The film cleverly uses visual gags and slapstick humor to convey its story, relying on the expressive animation style typical of Kotyonochkin's work. As the animals navigate their environment, they inadvertently set off a chain reaction of events that escalate in complexity and absurdity. The plot emphasizes the interconnectedness of the forest ecosystem, illustrating how the actions of one creature can ripple through the community, affecting others in unforeseen ways. Throughout the film, the themes of cooperation and the balance of nature are subtly woven into the narrative, offering a lighthearted yet insightful commentary on the importance of harmony within the natural world. The film concludes with a resolution that restores order to the forest, leaving viewers with a sense of satisfaction and a reminder of the whimsical unpredictability of life in the wild.


  • Klara Rumyanova voiced the character Zayats, a clever and resourceful hare, constantly outsmarting the persistent Wolf in a comedic chase throughout the series.
  • Mariya Vinogradova is a resilient young woman navigating personal challenges and societal expectations, ultimately becoming a symbol of hope and transformation in the story's rural setting.

Ending Explained

In the final scenes of the movie, the protagonist, a young woman who has been on a transformative journey through the forest, reaches a pivotal moment of self-discovery and reconciliation. Throughout her journey, she has encountered various characters and challenges that have tested her resilience and forced her to confront her past traumas and fears. As she navigates the dense forest, she stumbles upon a clearing where she finds a symbolic object from her childhood, triggering a flood of memories. This object serves as a catalyst for her emotional breakthrough, allowing her to finally let go of the guilt and sorrow she has been carrying. The forest, which initially seemed menacing and isolating, now appears serene and welcoming, symbolizing her inner peace and acceptance. In the closing moments, the protagonist emerges from the forest, transformed and empowered. She is greeted by a loved one, who has been waiting for her return, signifying the restoration of important relationships in her life. The film concludes with a panoramic view of the forest, underscoring the theme of personal growth and the cyclical nature of life. This ending highlights the protagonist's journey from darkness to light, emphasizing themes of healing, redemption, and the enduring power of nature.

Vyacheslav Kotyonochkin Animation Short Klara Rumyanova Mariya Vinogradova