| 2003Directed by: Park Chan-wook
Main Plot
"Oldboy," directed by Park Chan-wook, follows the story of Oh Dae-su, who is inexplicably imprisoned in a small room for 15 years without knowing his captor's motives. Upon his sudden release, Dae-su embarks on a quest for vengeance, determined to uncover the identity and reasons behind his prolonged captivity. As he delves deeper into the mystery, he encounters a series of shocking revelations and complex relationships that challenge his understanding of justice and retribution. The film explores themes of memory, identity, and the cyclical nature of violence, culminating in a harrowing and thought-provoking conclusion.
- Choi Min-sik plays Oh Dae-su, a man imprisoned for 15 years without knowing why. Upon release, he seeks vengeance and uncovers shocking truths.
- Yoo Ji-tae plays Lee Woo-jin, the antagonist who orchestrates the protagonist's imprisonment and psychological torment as part of a complex revenge scheme.
- Kang Hye-jeong plays Mi-do, a sushi chef who becomes romantically involved with the protagonist, aiding him in his quest for vengeance and uncovering the truth.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of Park Chan-wook's "Oldboy," protagonist Oh Dae-su discovers the shocking truth behind his 15-year imprisonment. He learns that his captor, Lee Woo-jin, orchestrated the entire ordeal as revenge for a rumor Dae-su spread in high school, which led to the suicide of Woo-jin's sister. The ultimate twist reveals that Mi-do, the woman Dae-su has fallen in love with, is actually his daughter, manipulated by Woo-jin into an incestuous relationship as part of his elaborate revenge. Devastated by the revelation, Dae-su begs Woo-jin to keep the secret from Mi-do, even going as far as cutting out his own tongue as a gesture of repentance. Woo-jin, satisfied with his revenge, seemingly relents and then commits suicide. In the aftermath, Dae-su seeks the help of a hypnotist to erase his memories of the incestuous relationship. The film ends ambiguously, with Dae-su and Mi-do reunited, but it remains unclear whether the hypnosis was successful, leaving the audience to ponder the true extent of Dae-su's liberation or continued torment.