Our Father, the Devil
| 2021Directed by: Ellie Foumbi
Main Plot
"Our Father, the Devil," directed by Ellie Foumbi, is a gripping psychological thriller that centers on Marie, an African refugee working as a chef in a small French town. Her seemingly peaceful life is disrupted when she encounters Father Patrick, a charismatic priest who she recognizes as the warlord responsible for the atrocities that shattered her past. As Marie grapples with her traumatic memories and the priest's presence, she is torn between seeking revenge and finding a way to move forward. The film delves into themes of trauma, forgiveness, and the moral complexities of justice, creating a tense narrative that keeps viewers on edge.
- Babetida Sadjo plays Marie, a refugee chef whose traumatic past resurfaces when she encounters a priest from her homeland, unraveling her carefully constructed new life.
- Souleymane Sy Savane plays Father Patrick, a charismatic priest whose arrival in a small town unravels dark secrets and challenges the protagonist's past traumas.
- Jennifer Tchiakpe portrays Marie, a chef in a small French town, whose life unravels when she recognizes a priest as the warlord who traumatized her past.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "Our Father, the Devil," directed by Ellie Foumbi, the protagonist, Marie, confronts her traumatic past. Marie, a chef in a small French town, recognizes the new priest, Father Patrick, as the warlord who brutalized her and her family in Africa. Throughout the film, Marie grapples with her desire for revenge and the moral implications of her actions. In the climactic ending, she kidnaps Father Patrick and holds him captive, seeking a confession and retribution for his past atrocities. However, as she delves deeper into her quest for justice, she faces an internal struggle between vengeance and forgiveness. The film concludes with Marie making a profound decision about Father Patrick's fate, reflecting on the themes of trauma, redemption, and the possibility of healing. The ending leaves viewers contemplating the complexities of forgiveness and the enduring impact of past horrors on one's present life.