| 2022Directed by: Parker Finn
Main Plot
"Smile," directed by Parker Finn, follows Dr. Rose Cotter, a psychiatrist who witnesses a traumatic incident involving a patient. After the event, Rose begins to experience increasingly disturbing and unexplainable occurrences. As she delves deeper into the mystery, she discovers a pattern of similar incidents linked to a malevolent force that appears to be passed from person to person. Struggling to maintain her sanity, Rose must confront her own past traumas while racing against time to understand and break the cycle before it consumes her. The film blends psychological horror with supernatural elements, creating a tense and unsettling atmosphere.
- Sosie Bacon plays Dr. Rose Cotter, a therapist who experiences terrifying occurrences after witnessing a traumatic event involving a patient. She investigates the sinister force behind it.
- Jessie T. Usher plays Trevor, the supportive fiancé of the protagonist, who becomes increasingly concerned as she experiences terrifying supernatural events.
- Kyle Gallner plays Joel, a supportive ex-boyfriend and police officer who helps the protagonist uncover the truth behind the mysterious and terrifying occurrences.
Ending Explained
In the movie "Smile," directed by Parker Finn, the ending reveals the culmination of protagonist Dr. Rose Cotter's struggle against a malevolent entity that causes its victims to commit suicide in front of a witness, thereby transferring the curse. Rose, determined to break the cycle, isolates herself in her abandoned family home, hoping to confront and defeat the entity alone. She faces traumatic memories and the entity, which manifests as her deceased mother. Despite her efforts, Rose is overpowered by the entity, which forces her to relive her mother's death and her own feelings of guilt. In a final twist, Rose's ex-boyfriend, Joel, tracks her down, only to witness her setting herself on fire, thus becoming the next victim of the curse. The film concludes with Joel's horrified expression, indicating that the curse has now transferred to him, perpetuating the cycle of terror. This ending underscores the inescapable nature of the curse and the psychological horror that the characters endure, leaving the audience with a sense of dread and inevitability.