Sonic the Hedgehog Ending Explained
| 2020Directed by: Jeff Fowler
Main Plot
"Sonic the Hedgehog," directed by Jeff Fowler, follows the story of Sonic, a blue, anthropomorphic hedgehog with super-speed, who escapes to Earth from his home planet to evade those seeking his powers. Living secretly in the town of Green Hills, Sonic inadvertently causes a massive power outage, drawing the attention of the government. They enlist the eccentric Dr. Robotnik to investigate. Sonic teams up with local sheriff Tom Wachowski to evade Robotnik and recover his lost rings, which are crucial for his escape. As they embark on a cross-country adventure, they form an unexpected friendship. Robotnik, obsessed with capturing Sonic, uses advanced technology to pursue them, leading to a climactic showdown. The film blends action, humor, and heart, exploring themes of friendship and belonging.
- Ben Schwartz voices Sonic, a speedy blue hedgehog who teams up with a small-town sheriff to stop the evil Dr. Robotnik from capturing him and using his powers for world domination.
- James Marsden plays Tom Wachowski, a small-town sheriff who helps Sonic evade government capture and defeat the villain, Dr. Robotnik.
- Dr. Robotnik, a brilliant but maniacal scientist, relentlessly pursues Sonic to harness his powers for world domination.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "Sonic the Hedgehog," directed by Jeff Fowler, Sonic faces off against Dr. Robotnik in a climactic battle in Green Hills. Using his super-speed, Sonic manages to outmaneuver Robotnik's advanced technology. With the help of his new friend, Tom Wachowski, Sonic ultimately defeats Robotnik by sending him through a portal to a distant mushroom planet using one of his magical rings. This effectively removes the immediate threat Robotnik poses to Earth. After the battle, Sonic is welcomed into Tom and his wife Maddie's home, finding a sense of belonging and family. The town of Green Hills returns to normal, and Sonic's presence is kept a secret from the general public. In a mid-credits scene, Dr. Robotnik is shown on the mushroom planet, vowing to return and sporting a look more akin to his video game counterpart, with a bald head and large mustache. Additionally, another mid-credits scene introduces Tails, Sonic's two-tailed fox friend, who arrives on Earth in search of Sonic, setting the stage for potential future adventures.