| 1994Directed by: Jan de Bont
Main Plot
"Speed," directed by Jan de Bont, is a high-octane action thriller centered around a Los Angeles police officer who must prevent a bomb from exploding on a city bus. The bomb is rigged to detonate if the bus slows below 50 miles per hour. The officer, along with a courageous passenger, works frantically to keep the bus moving through crowded city streets while trying to find a way to disarm the bomb. The film features intense sequences of suspense and action as they navigate various obstacles and challenges. The tension escalates as they race against time to save the passengers and thwart the bomber's deadly plan.
- Keanu Reeves plays Jack Traven, a LAPD officer who must prevent a bomb from exploding on a city bus by keeping its speed above 50 mph.
- Dennis Hopper plays Howard Payne, a vengeful ex-bomb squad officer who plants a bomb on a city bus, demanding ransom to prevent its detonation.
- Sandra Bullock plays Annie Porter, a passenger who takes over driving a bus rigged to explode if it drops below 50 mph.
Ending Explained
In the climax of the 1994 action thriller "Speed," directed by Jan de Bont, LAPD officer Jack Traven (Keanu Reeves) and passenger Annie Porter (Sandra Bullock) face a final showdown with the antagonist, Howard Payne (Dennis Hopper). After successfully managing to keep a city bus rigged with explosives above 50 mph to prevent detonation, Jack and Annie are forced to confront Payne in a dramatic sequence aboard a speeding subway train. Payne, who has taken Annie hostage and fitted her with an explosive vest, attempts to escape with the ransom money. Jack engages Payne in a fierce fight atop the moving train. The struggle ends when Payne is decapitated by a low-hanging signal light. Jack then manages to free Annie from the vest, but the train's controls are damaged, causing it to accelerate uncontrollably. Jack and Annie brace themselves as the train crashes through a construction barrier and bursts onto the streets of Los Angeles. They survive the crash, and amidst the chaos, share a passionate kiss, marking the end of their harrowing ordeal.