Stand by Me Doraemon
| 2014Directed by: Tony Oliver, Ryuichi Yagi, Takashi Yamazaki
Main Plot
"Stand by Me Doraemon" is a heartwarming animated film that follows the adventures of a young boy named Nobita Nobi and his robotic cat from the future, Doraemon. Sent back in time by Nobita's great-great-grandson, Doraemon's mission is to improve Nobita's life and ensure a better future for his descendants. Equipped with various futuristic gadgets, Doraemon helps Nobita navigate the challenges of childhood, including school troubles and personal insecurities. Throughout their journey, Nobita learns valuable life lessons about friendship, courage, and self-improvement. The film beautifully blends humor, emotion, and nostalgia, ultimately highlighting the enduring bond between Nobita and Doraemon.
- Wasabi Mizuta voices Doraemon, a robotic cat from the future who helps Nobita Nobi navigate life's challenges, providing gadgets to solve problems and teaching valuable life lessons.
- Megumi Ôhara voices Nobita Nobi, a clumsy, kind-hearted boy who relies on Doraemon, a robotic cat, to navigate life's challenges and grow into a responsible adult.
- Satoshi Tsumabuki voices Nobita's adult self, reflecting on his childhood adventures and growth, providing a poignant narrative closure to the story.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "Stand by Me Doraemon," directed by Tony Oliver, Ryuichi Yagi, and Takashi Yamazaki, the story reaches an emotional and satisfying resolution. Nobita, the protagonist, has grown significantly through his adventures with Doraemon, the robotic cat from the future. Doraemon's mission was to help Nobita improve his life and secure a better future, particularly by ensuring he marries his childhood friend, Shizuka. As the film nears its end, Nobita demonstrates newfound courage and determination, which impresses Shizuka and solidifies their future together. Doraemon, having fulfilled his mission, faces the bittersweet task of returning to the future. The farewell between Nobita and Doraemon is heartfelt, highlighting the deep bond they have formed. Despite the sadness of parting, Nobita is now more confident and capable, ready to face life's challenges on his own. The movie concludes with a sense of hope and growth, as Nobita's improved future is assured, and Doraemon's impact on his life is profoundly acknowledged.