Main Plot
"Sunflower" is a poignant drama that revolves around the life of a man named Tae-sik, who returns to his hometown after serving a lengthy prison sentence. Seeking redemption and a fresh start, he hopes to reconnect with his past and rebuild his life. Tae-sik finds solace in the warmth of a small restaurant run by a kind-hearted woman and her daughter, who offer him a sense of family and belonging. However, his journey towards redemption is fraught with challenges as he confronts old enemies and the lingering shadows of his past. The film explores themes of forgiveness, the struggle for personal transformation, and the enduring impact of one's actions on their future. As Tae-sik navigates the complexities of his new life, he must make difficult choices that will determine his path forward. "Sunflower" is a touching narrative about the possibility of change and the power of human connection in the face of adversity.