| 2022Directed by: Makoto Shinkai
Main Plot
"Suzume," directed by Makoto Shinkai, follows the journey of a young girl named Suzume who encounters a mysterious young man searching for a door. This encounter leads her to discover a hidden, ancient door in the ruins of her town. Upon opening it, she inadvertently unleashes a series of disasters across Japan. To prevent further calamities, Suzume and her newfound companion embark on a quest to close these doors, which are portals to another world. Their journey takes them across various landscapes, revealing the interconnectedness of human emotions and natural disasters. Along the way, Suzume confronts her own past and learns about the importance of facing one's fears and responsibilities. The film blends elements of fantasy, adventure, and emotional depth, exploring themes of loss, healing, and the bonds that tie people to their homes and each other. Through stunning visuals and a compelling narrative, "Suzume" captures the essence of human resilience and the enduring spirit of hope.
- Nanoka Hara voices Suzume, a high school girl who embarks on a journey to close mysterious doors causing disasters across Japan.
- Hokuto Matsumura voices Sōta Munakata, a young man transformed into a chair, who aids Suzume in closing supernatural doors to prevent disasters.
- Eri Fukatsu voices Tamaki Iwato, Suzume's aunt, who provides emotional support and guidance as Suzume embarks on her journey to close mystical doors causing disasters.
Ending Explained
In the movie 'Suzume,' directed by Makoto Shinkai, the conclusion sees the protagonist, Suzume, and her companion, Souta, successfully closing the final door to prevent a catastrophic earthquake. Throughout the film, Suzume has been on a journey to close mystical doors that release destructive forces. In the climax, Suzume confronts her past and the trauma of losing her mother during a natural disaster. She enters the Ever-After, a surreal realm where she encounters her younger self. By comforting and reconciling with her younger self, Suzume gains the strength to close the final door, symbolizing her acceptance and healing from her past trauma. Souta, who had been transformed into a chair for much of the film, returns to his human form. The resolution brings a sense of closure and peace to both characters. Suzume's journey of self-discovery and healing is complete, and she returns to her everyday life with a renewed sense of purpose and understanding. The film ends on a hopeful note, emphasizing themes of resilience, healing, and the importance of confronting one's past.