That Darn Cat! Ending Explained
| 1965Directed by: Robert Stevenson
Main Plot
"That Darn Cat!" is a comedic mystery film that revolves around a clever Siamese cat whose nightly wanderings lead to an unexpected adventure. The story begins when the cat returns home wearing a wristwatch around its neck, which turns out to be a crucial clue in a recent bank robbery and kidnapping case. This discovery prompts the involvement of the FBI, who see the cat as their only lead to solving the crime. The film follows the cat's owners as they collaborate with a determined FBI agent to track the feline's nocturnal activities, hoping it will lead them to the criminals. As the investigation unfolds, a series of humorous and suspenseful events ensue, highlighting the unpredictable nature of the cat and the challenges faced by the humans trying to follow its trail. Key themes in the film include the unpredictability of animals, the importance of teamwork, and the unexpected ways in which seemingly insignificant details can become pivotal in solving a mystery. The film combines elements of comedy and suspense, creating an engaging narrative that keeps the audience entertained while unraveling the mystery.
- Hayley Mills: A perceptive teenager whose curiosity and cleverness unravel a mystery, leading a zany escapade with her feline companion at the heart of the adventure.
- Dean Jones: A skeptical FBI agent reluctantly drawn into a whirlwind chase, where his wit and unexpected alliances transform him from cynic to hero.
- Dorothy Provine: An unwitting accomplice with a flair for comedy, whose lively charm and unpredictable antics add chaos and humor to the unfolding caper.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of the film, the mystery surrounding the kidnapped bank teller is resolved through the unexpected assistance of a Siamese cat. The cat, who had been wandering around town, inadvertently leads the protagonist, a young woman named Patti, and an FBI agent named Zeke Kelso, to the hideout where the teller is being held. The cat's collar, which had been used to send a message for help, becomes the crucial clue that guides them to the location. As they arrive at the hideout, a tense confrontation ensues between the kidnappers and the rescuers. The kidnappers, who had underestimated the significance of the cat's movements, are caught off guard. The FBI agent, with the help of local authorities, manages to apprehend the criminals and safely rescue the bank teller. The resolution of the kidnapping case brings relief to the community and highlights the unexpected role of the cat in solving the crime. The film concludes on a light-hearted note, with the community celebrating the safe return of the teller and the cleverness of the cat. The protagonist and her family are hailed as heroes, and the cat is affectionately recognized for its pivotal role in the adventure.