The Angry Birds Movie Ending Explained
| 2016Directed by: Clay Kaytis, Fergal Reilly
Main Plot
In "The Angry Birds Movie," the story unfolds on Bird Island, home to flightless birds. Red, an outcast with anger issues, is sentenced to anger management classes after an outburst. There, he meets fellow misfits Chuck and Bomb. Their lives are disrupted when mysterious green pigs arrive on the island, led by Leonard. Initially welcomed, the pigs' true intentions are revealed when they steal the birds' eggs. Red, Chuck, and Bomb rally the other birds to launch a rescue mission. They travel to Piggy Island, where they use their unique abilities to infiltrate the pigs' stronghold and retrieve the stolen eggs, ultimately restoring peace to Bird Island.
- Jason Sudeikis voices Red, a bird with anger issues who leads his friends to save their island from invading pigs.
- Josh Gad voices Chuck, a fast-talking yellow bird who helps the protagonist, Red, uncover the pigs' plan and save their eggs.
- Danny McBride voices Bomb, a bird with explosive tendencies who helps Red and friends save their eggs from the pigs.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "The Angry Birds Movie," directed by Clay Kaytis and Fergal Reilly, the protagonist Red, along with his friends Chuck and Bomb, leads an assault on Piggy Island to retrieve the stolen eggs. The birds construct a giant slingshot to launch themselves at the pigs' fortress. After a series of chaotic and humorous attacks, they manage to breach the defenses. Red infiltrates the castle and confronts King Leonard, the leader of the pigs, who has hidden the eggs in a pot over a fire. In a climactic moment, Red manages to save the eggs just as the pot falls into the flames, showcasing his bravery and resourcefulness. The birds celebrate their victory and return to Bird Island as heroes. Red, who had been an outcast due to his anger issues, is finally accepted and appreciated by the other birds. The film ends with the eggs hatching into baby birds, symbolizing new beginnings and unity among the birds. Red's house, which had been destroyed earlier, is rebuilt by the community, signifying his acceptance and the newfound harmony on Bird Island.