Main Plot
"The Chosen: Forbidden Cave," directed by Hwi Kim, is a South Korean horror film that delves into the realm of shamanism and psychological terror. The story follows Jin-Myung, a psychiatrist and exorcist, who specializes in treating patients with supernatural afflictions. He is approached by a woman named Keum-Joo, who believes her daughter So-Jin is possessed by a malevolent spirit. As Jin-Myung investigates, he uncovers a series of mysterious and disturbing events linked to an ancient cave known for its dark history. The deeper he delves into the case, the more he confronts his own fears and past traumas. The film intertwines elements of traditional Korean folklore with modern psychological horror, creating a chilling atmosphere that explores the thin line between reality and the supernatural.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "The Chosen: Forbidden Cave," directed by Hwi Kim, the narrative reaches a climactic resolution as the protagonist, Dr. Jin Myung, a psychiatrist and exorcist, confronts the malevolent spirit that has been tormenting his patient, Geum-joo. Throughout the film, Dr. Jin Myung, along with his assistant Ji-kwang, delves into the supernatural occurrences linked to an ancient cave, believed to be the source of the haunting.
In the final scenes, Dr. Jin Myung and Ji-kwang venture into the forbidden cave to perform a ritual aimed at exorcising the spirit. They uncover the tragic history behind the spirit's unrest, revealing that it is the vengeful ghost of a woman wronged in the past. The ritual is intense and fraught with danger, but ultimately, Dr. Jin Myung successfully appeases the spirit, allowing it to find peace.
The film concludes with a sense of closure as the haunting ceases, and Geum-joo is freed from the spirit's influence. Dr. Jin Myung and Ji-kwang emerge from the cave, having restored balance and order, and the story ends on a note of resolution and tranquility.