Main Plot
In "The Crimes That Bind," directed by Sebastián Schindel, the story revolves around Alicia, a devoted mother who finds herself entangled in a web of legal and moral dilemmas. Her son, Daniel, is accused of a heinous crime, and Alicia is determined to prove his innocence despite mounting evidence against him. As she delves deeper into the case, Alicia uncovers unsettling truths that challenge her perceptions of justice and loyalty. Simultaneously, the narrative explores the life of Gladys, a domestic worker who becomes a pivotal figure in the unfolding drama. The film intricately weaves themes of family, betrayal, and the quest for truth, ultimately questioning the lengths to which one will go to protect their loved ones.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of Sebastián Schindel's film "The Crimes That Bind," Alicia, the protagonist, faces the harsh reality of her son Daniel's criminal actions. Throughout the movie, Alicia has been in denial about Daniel's violent tendencies and his involvement in serious crimes, including the attempted murder of his ex-wife, Marcela. As the evidence mounts against Daniel, Alicia's protective instincts are put to the test.
In the final scenes, Alicia is confronted with irrefutable proof of Daniel's guilt, forcing her to make a heart-wrenching decision. She ultimately chooses to stop shielding him, allowing justice to take its course. This decision signifies Alicia's painful acceptance of the truth and her moral awakening. The film ends on a somber note, highlighting the devastating impact of Daniel's actions on his family and the victims. Alicia's journey from denial to acceptance underscores the complex dynamics of familial loyalty and the moral dilemmas faced by those who love someone capable of heinous crimes.