The Dark and the Wicked
| 2020Directed by: Bryan Bertino
Main Plot
In "The Dark and the Wicked," directed by Bryan Bertino, the story unfolds on a secluded family farm where an aging couple resides. As the father's health declines, their adult children, Louise and Michael, return home to provide support. Despite their intentions, they are met with a cold reception from their mother, who insists they should not have come back. The atmosphere at the farm grows increasingly sinister as unexplained and terrifying events begin to occur, suggesting a malevolent presence. The siblings struggle to comprehend the escalating supernatural phenomena surrounding them while also confronting their own personal grievances and histories. Their mother's warnings become more desperate and cryptic, hinting at a dark force that has permeated the farm, rooted in deep secrets and unspeakable truths. As the situation spirals out of control, Louise and Michael must face the evil that threatens to consume everything they hold dear, questioning the very fabric of their family and their faith. The film delves into themes of isolation, despair, and the profound impact of unseen forces on human lives.
- Marin Ireland plays Louise, a woman who returns to her family's secluded farm to help care for her dying father, confronting increasingly terrifying occurrences.
- Michael Abbott Jr. plays Michael Straker, a son who returns to his family's farm to confront an evil presence terrorizing his grieving mother and brother.
- Julie Oliver-Touchstone plays the mother in the film, whose worsening condition and eventual death summon her children back to their haunted family home.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "The Dark and the Wicked," directed by Bryan Bertino, the film intensifies its exploration of isolation, despair, and supernatural horror. The story, centered on a secluded family farm, reaches its climax as siblings Louise and Michael grapple with the malevolent force that has haunted their family, coinciding with their father's impending death. Throughout the film, both siblings experience terrifying supernatural occurrences that progressively break down their mental and emotional defenses. Louise, in particular, becomes increasingly isolated and desperate. The climax is harrowing, with Louise witnessing the gruesome deaths of those around her, including a visiting priest, all of which seem orchestrated by the malevolent presence to isolate and weaken her. The film ends on a bleak note with Louise completely succumbing to despair. After her brother Michael leaves, overwhelmed by the events, Louise is left alone. In her final moments, overwhelmed by the evil that has consumed her family, she takes her own life, mirroring the earlier suicide of her mother. The film closes with the chilling implication that the malevolent force will continue to haunt and destroy, leaving the viewer with a sense of unresolved dread and inevitability. The ending underscores themes of inescapable fate and the destructive power of unseen forces.