Main Plot
"The Fog," directed by John Carpenter, is a horror film set in the coastal town of Antonio Bay, California. As the town prepares to celebrate its centennial, a mysterious fog rolls in, bringing with it vengeful spirits of mariners who were wronged a century ago. The plot follows several townspeople, including a radio DJ, a fisherman, and the town's priest, as they uncover the dark history behind the town's founding and the sinister events tied to the fog. As the supernatural mist engulfs the town, the residents must confront the malevolent forces seeking retribution for past injustices. The film builds tension through its eerie atmosphere and the gradual revelation of the town's haunted past.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of John Carpenter's "The Fog," the eerie, supernatural fog that has enveloped the coastal town of Antonio Bay reveals its true purpose. The fog brings with it the vengeful spirits of mariners who were wronged and killed a century earlier by the town's founders. These ghosts seek retribution for their betrayal and murder, which was orchestrated to steal their gold and establish the town.
As the fog thickens, the spirits target the descendants of the original conspirators. Father Malone, a descendant himself, discovers a journal detailing the town's dark history and realizes the spirits' motive. In a climactic confrontation at the church, where several townspeople have taken refuge, Father Malone offers himself to the ghosts, believing his sacrifice will appease them. He presents a gold cross, made from the stolen gold, to the spirits. The ghosts accept the offering and vanish, taking the cross with them, and the fog dissipates.
However, in a final twist, the fog returns, and the vengeful spirits reappear, decapitating Father Malone, suggesting that their thirst for vengeance is not easily quenched.