The Suicide Squad
| 2021Directed by: James Gunn
Main Plot
In "The Suicide Squad," a group of imprisoned supervillains is recruited by the government for a high-risk mission. Led by Colonel Rick Flag and overseen by Amanda Waller, the team is sent to the South American island of Corto Maltese to destroy a secretive laboratory housing a dangerous experiment known as Project Starfish. As they navigate the treacherous terrain and face various adversaries, the squad members must confront their own personal demons and learn to work together. The mission's stakes are high, with the threat of death looming over them, and the squad's loyalty and survival instincts are put to the ultimate test.
- Margot Robbie plays Harley Quinn, a chaotic antihero who joins a team of supervillains on a dangerous mission to save the world.
- Idris Elba plays Bloodsport, a skilled marksman and mercenary coerced into joining a dangerous mission to reduce his prison sentence.
- John Cena plays Peacemaker, a ruthless, patriotic assassin who joins Task Force X on a dangerous mission, often clashing with other team members due to his extreme methods.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of James Gunn's "The Suicide Squad," the surviving members of Task Force X confront the giant alien starfish, Starro the Conqueror, in the fictional Corto Maltese. After a fierce battle, Harley Quinn uses a javelin to pierce Starro's eye, allowing Ratcatcher 2 to summon her rats to infiltrate and attack the creature from within, ultimately killing it. Meanwhile, Bloodsport takes charge, leading the team effectively and ensuring their survival. The aftermath sees the squad members negotiating their freedom. Bloodsport uses the data disk containing evidence of the U.S. government's involvement with Project Starfish to blackmail Amanda Waller into letting them go free. The film ends with the surviving squad members—Bloodsport, Harley Quinn, King Shark, and Ratcatcher 2—leaving Corto Maltese, each having grown and bonded through their shared ordeal. In a mid-credits scene, it is revealed that Peacemaker survived his apparent death, setting up his storyline for future projects. This conclusion ties up the main plot while leaving room for potential sequels and spin-offs.