The Terminator Ending Explained
| 1984Directed by: James Cameron
Main Plot
"The Terminator," directed by James Cameron, is a science fiction film set in a post-apocalyptic future where intelligent machines have declared war on humanity. In this future, a powerful artificial intelligence system known as Skynet has nearly wiped out the human race. The remnants of humanity are led by John Connor, who becomes a significant threat to the machines. In an attempt to eliminate Connor, Skynet sends a cyborg assassin, the Terminator, back in time to kill Sarah Connor, John's mother, before he is born. The Terminator arrives in Los Angeles in 1984, and begins its relentless pursuit of Sarah. However, the human resistance also sends a protector back in time, Kyle Reese, to safeguard Sarah. Reese must find Sarah before the Terminator does and help her understand her critical role in the future survival of humanity. As Sarah and Reese try to evade the seemingly indestructible Terminator, they develop a close bond. The film combines elements of action, thriller, and science fiction, exploring themes of technology, destiny, and survival.
- Arnold Schwarzenegger plays a cyborg assassin sent from the future to kill Sarah Connor, whose unborn son is destined to save humanity from robotic apocalypse.
- Linda Hamilton plays Sarah Connor, a waitress targeted for termination by a cyborg from the future to prevent the birth of her son, humanity's future savior.
- Michael Biehn plays Kyle Reese, a soldier sent from the future to protect Sarah Connor, ensuring the survival of humanity against an AI uprising.
Ending Explained
At the end of "The Terminator," Sarah Connor and Kyle Reese, who have been relentlessly pursued by the Terminator, a cyborg assassin sent from the future, make a final stand in a factory. Kyle manages to plant a pipe bomb in the Terminator's chassis, sacrificing himself in the process. The explosion destroys the Terminator's lower half but does not completely disable it. The now-crawling Terminator continues to pursue Sarah through the factory. In a climactic moment, Sarah lures the Terminator into a hydraulic press and crushes it, finally destroying it. The conclusion of the film sees Sarah driving through the Mexican desert, several months pregnant with John Connor, who will grow up to lead the human resistance against the machines in the future. She records audio tapes to pass on to her unborn son, detailing her experiences and the importance of his future role. A sense of foreboding is maintained as she is told by a gas station attendant that a storm is coming, symbolizing the impending conflict between humans and machines. This ending sets the stage for the future struggles and themes explored in the sequels of the franchise.