Main Plot
The Tourist, directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, follows an American man named Frank who travels to Europe to mend a broken heart. While on a train to Venice, he encounters a mysterious woman named Elise. Unbeknownst to Frank, Elise is using him as a decoy to mislead the police and dangerous criminals who are pursuing her former lover, a wanted man with a fortune in stolen money. As Frank becomes entangled in Elise's world of espionage and intrigue, he finds himself dodging both law enforcement and ruthless gangsters. The film weaves through a series of twists and turns, blending romance and suspense against the picturesque backdrop of Venice.
Ending Explained
In the conclusion of "The Tourist," directed by Florian Henckel von Donnersmarck, the true identity of the protagonist is revealed. Throughout the film, Elise Clifton-Ward, played by Angelina Jolie, is pursued by law enforcement and gangsters because they believe she is in contact with her lover, Alexander Pearce, who has stolen a vast sum of money. Elise uses Frank Tupelo, portrayed by Johnny Depp, as a decoy to mislead her pursuers into thinking he is Pearce.
In the climactic scenes, it is disclosed that Frank is, in fact, Alexander Pearce, having undergone extensive plastic surgery to alter his appearance. This revelation comes to light when Frank opens a safe containing the stolen money using a code only Pearce would know. The authorities, led by Inspector John Acheson, realize they have been deceived. Elise and Frank, now revealed as Pearce, share a romantic moment, solidifying their relationship. The film concludes with the couple sailing away together, leaving behind the chaos and deception that had surrounded them. This twist ending redefines the narrative, merging the identities of Frank and Pearce into one, and bringing closure to the pursuit.