The Usual Suspects
| 1995Directed by: Bryan Singer
Main Plot
"The Usual Suspects," directed by Bryan Singer, is a crime thriller that revolves around the interrogation of Roger "Verbal" Kint, a small-time con artist. The story unfolds through Verbal's narration, recounting events that led to a devastating explosion on a ship in the Port of Los Angeles. The plot begins with five criminals being rounded up for a police lineup, which leads them to form an uneasy alliance to pull off a series of heists. As they delve deeper into the criminal underworld, they find themselves entangled with a mysterious and feared crime lord named Keyser Söze. The narrative weaves through a complex web of deception, betrayal, and unexpected twists, ultimately questioning the nature of truth and identity. The film's intricate storytelling and dramatic conclusion leave a lasting impact, challenging viewers to piece together the puzzle of what really happened.
- Kevin Spacey plays Roger "Verbal" Kint, a small-time con artist who reveals the story of a criminal mastermind, Keyser Söze, during a police interrogation.
- Gabriel Byrne plays Dean Keaton, a former corrupt cop turned criminal, central to the heist plot and the unraveling mystery orchestrated by the enigmatic Keyser Söze.
- Chazz Palminteri plays Dave Kujan, a determined U.S. Customs agent who interrogates Verbal Kint to uncover the identity of the elusive criminal mastermind, Keyser Söze.
Ending Explained
In the climax of "The Usual Suspects," directed by Bryan Singer, the intricate plot unravels through a shocking twist. The story, primarily narrated by Roger "Verbal" Kint, a seemingly meek con artist, revolves around a group of criminals brought together by a mysterious figure named Keyser Söze. Throughout the film, Verbal recounts the events leading up to a massacre on a ship, where most of the criminals are killed. In the final scenes, Verbal is released from police custody after providing his testimony. Moments later, Detective Kujan, who has been interrogating Verbal, realizes that the entire story was fabricated using details from a cluttered bulletin board in the interrogation room. As Kujan pieces this together, Verbal is seen walking away, gradually shedding his physical disability, revealing himself to be Keyser Söze. The film concludes with Verbal/Keyser disappearing into a car driven by his associate, leaving Kujan and the audience stunned by the revelation that the mastermind had been hiding in plain sight all along. This twist ending underscores the themes of deception and the elusive nature of truth.