Throw Momma from the Train Ending Explained
| 1987Directed by: Danny DeVito
Main Plot
"Throw Momma from the Train," directed by Danny DeVito, is a dark comedy that revolves around the intertwined lives of two struggling writers. The film explores themes of frustration, revenge, and the complexities of human relationships. The plot kicks off with a writing instructor who is consumed by anger towards his ex-wife, who has stolen his novel and gained fame from it. Meanwhile, one of his students, who is equally frustrated with his overbearing mother, becomes inspired by a Hitchcock film to propose a crisscross murder scheme. As the story unfolds, the student suggests that they "swap murders" to solve each other's problems. This leads to a series of comedic and chaotic events as the plan spirals out of control. The film cleverly uses humor to explore the absurdity of the characters' situations and their misguided attempts to take control of their lives. The narrative is driven by misunderstandings and the characters' flawed logic, resulting in a mix of suspense and comedy. Ultimately, the film highlights the unpredictability of life and the unintended consequences of seeking revenge, all while maintaining a humorous tone.
- Danny DeVito: A bumbling, desperate man-child with a wild scheme, he seeks to swap murders to rid himself of his overbearing mother.
- Billy Crystal: A struggling writer caught in a darkly comedic plot, he becomes entangled in a twisted murder exchange with his peculiar student.
- Kim Greist: A charming and supportive confidante, she offers solace and clarity amidst the chaos surrounding her entangled partner.
Ending Explained
In the film's climax, Larry and Owen find themselves in a chaotic situation after their initial plan to 'exchange murders' goes awry. Owen, who believes Larry has killed his mother, decides to fulfill his end of the bargain by attempting to murder Larry's ex-wife, Margaret. However, Larry has not actually harmed Owen's mother, and he rushes to prevent Owen from committing a crime. The turning point occurs on a train, where Owen's domineering mother, Mrs. Lift, inadvertently becomes involved in the chaos. In a comedic twist, she proves to be more resilient and resourceful than expected, thwarting Owen's attempts to harm her. The situation escalates, leading to a series of slapstick events that ultimately result in Mrs. Lift's accidental fall from the train, though she survives. In the resolution, Larry and Owen reconcile, realizing the absurdity of their murder plot. Larry gains inspiration from the experience, completing his novel, which becomes a success. Owen, having faced his fears and stood up to his mother, finds personal growth. The film concludes with the two men forming an unlikely friendship, highlighting themes of personal growth and the absurdity of their initial plan.