Underworld Blood Wars
| 2016Directed by: Anna Foerster
Main Plot
"Underworld: Blood Wars," directed by Anna Foerster, follows the ongoing conflict between vampires and Lycans. Selene, a skilled vampire death dealer, is caught in the middle of this war. Betrayed by her own kind, she seeks to end the eternal battle while protecting her daughter, whose blood holds the key to immense power. As the Lycans, led by the formidable Marius, grow stronger, Selene allies with David and his father Thomas to uncover secrets that could turn the tide. The film explores themes of loyalty, betrayal, and sacrifice, culminating in a climactic showdown that could determine the fate of both species.
- Kate Beckinsale plays Selene, a vampire death dealer who battles both Lycan and vampire factions to protect her daughter and end the eternal war.
- Theo James plays David, a loyal ally to Selene who helps her in the battle against the Lycan and Vampire factions.
- Tobias Menzies plays Marius, the ambitious Lycan leader seeking to harness hybrid blood to dominate both Lycans and Vampires.
Ending Explained
In 'Underworld: Blood Wars,' directed by Anna Foerster, the film concludes with a climactic battle at the Nordic Coven. Selene, having undergone a transformation that grants her new powers, returns to aid in the fight against the vampire elder Semira and the Lycan leader Marius. During the battle, Selene discovers that Marius has been using the blood of Michael, her former lover, to enhance his strength. She ultimately defeats Marius by ripping out his spine, revealing his true identity to the Lycans, which demoralizes them and leads to their retreat. Meanwhile, David confronts Semira and, with the help of his newfound abilities and the support of the Nordic Coven, manages to kill her. The victory solidifies David's position as the rightful heir to the Eastern Coven, and he pledges to lead the vampires into a new era of peace and unity. The film ends with Selene being resurrected by the Nordic Coven's sacred waters, symbolizing her rebirth and acceptance as a revered elder. She, David, and Lena stand together, ready to guide the vampire race towards a hopeful future.