| 1986Directed by: Richard Wenk
Main Plot
"Vamp" is a horror-comedy film that follows two college students, Keith and AJ, who venture into the city to find a stripper for their fraternity's party in hopes of gaining popularity and acceptance. Their quest leads them to a seedy nightclub called the After Dark Club. However, they soon discover that the club's staff, including its captivating performer, Katrina, are vampires preying on the club's clientele. Trapped in the club after dark, Keith and AJ must navigate a night of terror and unexpected alliances. As they fight to survive, the duo uncovers the vampires' weaknesses and plots their escape. The film blends humor with horror elements, exploring themes of friendship and the perils of superficial ambitions in a setting where the nightlife is literally out to get you.
- Chris Makepeace plays Keith, a college student who, alongside his friend, encounters vampires in a strip club while trying to join a fraternity.
- Sandy Baron plays Vic, the manager of the strip club where vampires secretly operate, inadvertently leading the protagonists into supernatural danger.
- Robert Rusler plays AJ, a college student who, alongside his friend, encounters vampires after entering a strip club to secure a fraternity membership.
Ending Explained
In the 1986 film "Vamp," directed by Richard Wenk, the story concludes with the main characters, Keith and AJ, facing off against the vampires that have overrun a downtown strip club. After their friend Duncan is turned into a vampire, Keith and AJ manage to kill him, which is a turning point for them, solidifying their resolve to survive. The climax of the movie occurs in the strip club where the vampire queen, Katrina, who has been the source of the vampire infestation, resides. Katrina attempts to seduce and turn Keith into a vampire, but he resists her powers. During their confrontation, Allison, a waitress who befriends Keith and AJ and who is revealed to be a vampire with a conscience, intervenes. She sacrifices herself by staking Katrina, leading to the vampire queen's destruction. With Katrina's death, her control over the other vampires is broken, and they perish. The film ends with Keith and AJ leaving the city at dawn, exhausted but alive, having survived the ordeal. The conclusion underscores themes of friendship and survival against malevolent forces, with a mix of horror and humor that defines the movie’s tone.