Venom Ending Explained
| 2018Directed by: Ruben Fleischer
Main Plot
"Venom," directed by Ruben Fleischer, follows the story of a journalist who becomes the host for an alien symbiote. The film begins with a space probe returning to Earth, carrying samples of alien life forms known as symbiotes. A powerful corporation, Life Foundation, led by a visionary but morally ambiguous leader, conducts experiments to bond these symbiotes with humans, aiming to evolve humanity. The journalist investigates the corporation's unethical practices and inadvertently becomes bonded with one of the symbiotes, Venom. This symbiotic relationship grants him superhuman abilities but also presents challenges as he struggles to control the alien entity within him. As the bond strengthens, the journalist and Venom must navigate their complex relationship, balancing their conflicting desires and learning to work together. The film explores themes of duality, identity, and power, highlighting the internal conflict between the journalist's human morality and Venom's primal instincts. As they uncover a larger conspiracy, they face off against other symbiote-enhanced adversaries, leading to a climactic battle that tests their newfound alliance. Ultimately, "Venom" delves into the nature of coexistence and the potential for redemption through unexpected partnerships.
- Eddie Brock, a journalist, becomes host to an alien symbiote, gaining superpowers to fight against a corrupt corporation threatening humanity.
- Michelle Williams plays Anne Weying, Eddie Brock's ex-fiancée. She helps Eddie navigate his relationship with the symbiote and provides crucial support during conflicts.
- Riz Ahmed plays Carlton Drake, a wealthy and ambitious scientist who becomes the antagonist, merging with a symbiote to become Riot, challenging the protagonist.
Ending Explained
In the climax of the film, Eddie Brock, who is bonded with the alien symbiote Venom, confronts Carlton Drake, the CEO of the Life Foundation. Drake has merged with another symbiote named Riot, who plans to bring more symbiotes to Earth to invade the planet. The final battle takes place at the launch site of a rocket that Riot intends to use to bring the symbiotes from their home planet. During the intense fight, Eddie and Venom struggle against the more powerful Riot. However, they manage to damage the rocket, causing it to explode and kill both Riot and Drake. Venom sacrifices himself to save Eddie from the explosion, seemingly perishing in the process. In the aftermath, Eddie returns to his life as a journalist, believing Venom to be gone. However, it is revealed that Venom survived and is still bonded with Eddie. They agree to continue their partnership, with Venom promising to only harm those who deserve it. The film ends with Eddie visiting Mrs. Chen's convenience store, where Venom intimidates a robber, showcasing their new understanding and cooperation. The mid-credits scene teases a future storyline, with Eddie visiting a prison to interview the infamous serial killer Cletus Kasady, hinting at the emergence of another symbiote-related threat.