What If...?

| 2021

Directed by: N/A

Main Plot

"What If...?" is an animated anthology series that explores alternate realities within the Marvel Cinematic Universe. Each episode presents a unique scenario where key events from the established timeline unfold differently, leading to unexpected outcomes and new storylines. The series delves into the multiverse concept, showcasing how small changes can significantly alter the fate of characters and the world around them. From superheroes taking on different roles to pivotal moments having alternate resolutions, the show offers a fresh perspective on familiar narratives. Through its imaginative storytelling, "What If...?" expands the boundaries of the MCU, inviting viewers to ponder endless possibilities.


  • Jeffrey Wright voices The Watcher, an omniscient observer who narrates alternate realities and guides viewers through different scenarios in the Marvel multiverse.
  • Terri Douglas is a voice director, guiding the vocal performances of characters in the animated series, ensuring consistency and quality across episodes.
  • Matthew Wood voices General Grievous, a menacing antagonist who challenges the heroes in an alternate reality, adding tension and conflict to the storyline.

Ending Explained

The movie "What If...?" concludes with the protagonist, Wallace, and his best friend, Chantry, finally acknowledging their deep feelings for each other. Throughout the film, Wallace and Chantry navigate the complexities of their friendship, as Chantry is initially in a long-term relationship with her boyfriend, Ben. The ending sees Ben moving to Europe for a job opportunity, which creates a natural distance between him and Chantry. Wallace, who has been struggling with his feelings for Chantry, decides to take a chance and confess his love. In the final scenes, Chantry realizes that her relationship with Ben has run its course and that her true feelings lie with Wallace. The movie culminates in a heartfelt conversation between Wallace and Chantry, where they both express their love and decide to be together. The conclusion is marked by a sense of optimism and the beginning of a new chapter in their lives, as they embrace the possibilities of their romantic relationship. The film ends on a hopeful note, celebrating the idea that taking risks in love can lead to fulfilling and meaningful connections.

N/A Animation Action Adventure Jeffrey Wright Terri Douglas Matthew Wood